Medicare Advantage Plans are also known as Part C. They combine Parts A, B, & usually Part D all in one plan. You must live in the Service area (which is usually determined by the county you live in). If you choose a Medicare Advantage plan, you will not lose your Original Medicare benefits. However, an insurance company can add benefits to it. A Medicare Advantage Plan is not a Medicare Supplement nor can you have both an Advantage Plan and a Medicare Supplement. Most Advantage Plans have co-pays, coinsurance, and network doctors and hospitals, but the premiums are usually much lower than a supplement.
It is very important you consider your primary care doctor and any specialists you see because you want to ensure they are in the network for the lowest cost share and that your prescription drugs are covered by the plan. These are things we check EVERY time we enroll someone in a plan. We take the confusing information and make it simple. Please fill out the contact form with the agent you would like to work with and we would be happy to do this for you!! And it won't cost you a dime. Or you can click on the carrier below to learn more about the plans offered in your area.
Get in Touch
Thank you for reaching out. By filling out the form below a sales agent may mail, call, or e-mail as a result of completing the information to discuss Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Plans or Medicare Supplement Insurance. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
(509) 435-2120
Hours of Operation
Available by appointment.
Disclaimer: “Medicare has neither reviewed, nor endorsed this information.” We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact, Your State Health Insurance Program (SHIP), or call 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.